Bible Merits

Bible merits represent one of the three categories of merits used in the advancement systems for Discovery and Adventure Rangers and provide the discipleship process by which boys and young men are shaped into Christlike manhood.  Boys must earn a prescribed number of Bible, skill, and leadership merits for each step of their advancement trail.

Discovery Rangers must earn one orange Bible merit for each of their quarterly advancement steps.  Orange Bible merits are earned by completing any (8) Bible lessons from any Bible lesson sets or Spirit Challenge lesson available in TRaCclub, or any lesson approved by your pastor.

Adventure Rangers must earn one brown Bible merit for each of their quarterly advancement steps.  Brown Bible merits are earned by completing any (8) Bible lessons from any Bible lesson sets or Spirit Challenge lesson available in TRaCclub, or any lesson approved by your pastor.

Each Bible lesson set (orange or brown) has been specifically written to address one of five key subject areas of particular significance to boys and young men:

  • Biblical Worldview
  • Bible Doctrine
  • Sexuality / Integrity
  • Cultural Issues
  • Christlike Manhood

To complete each lesson, the boys READ a story, article, or passage of scripture together as a group, REFLECT on what they’ve read by group discussion, and RESPOND to the message by defining ways they can apply the concept in their daily lives.  The boys are also encouraged to continue their individual spiritual progress through a personal daily Bible reading plan of their choosing.

How to Use Materials

At present, the orange Bible lessons follow a slightly different format than the brown Bible lessons.  Therefore, when using the ORANGE Discovery Ranger Bible lessons, please consider the following:

  • Each lesson set is divided into five lessons of 3 pages each.  The first page is a Leaders Lesson Overview providing the Key Point and Key Verse for the lesson, as well as the answers to the questions found in the REFLECT section of each lesson.  The overview also contains information on materials and preparation as needed.
  • The last two pages represent the Student Handout which may be copied and distributed to the boys at the start of the lesson so they can read along or refer to the lesson again after the meeting if desired.
  • In order to receive credit for completing the lessons, boys need only to participate in the lesson.  They are not required to memorize the Key Verse or Key Point or complete any writing assignment or worksheets.

When using the BROWN Adventure Rangers Bible merits, please consider this:

  • The first page of the Merit Activity Guide contains copyright and terms of use information.  Please take note of this information to insure your use complies with these terms at all times.
  • The next page is an introductory page for the leader for Lesson 1.  It provides an overview of the lesson and suggestions for preparations.
  • The next two pages represent the lesson handout for Lesson 1.  Copies should be distributed to each boy for use in your group.  This page includes the material the boys will READ together as well as REFLECT and RESPOND sections to help the boys discuss and apply the subject of the lesson.
  • The following pages provide the same material for Lessons 2 through 5 and should be used in the same manner as stated for Lesson 1.

Providing Advancement Recognition

Boys receive recognition for the merits they have completed by receiving a merit patch that is worn on the awards vest.  He may also wear an award ribbon on his Utility Uniform or Dress Uniform.  One award ribbon is worn representing all merits of a particular color category (red, blue, orange, gold, green, brown, sky blue, or silver).  A numeral may be worn on the ribbon to indicate the number of merits of that color the boy has earned.

Boys may also be presented with award certificates for merits and other awards he receives.  Full-color award certificates are available for purchase through Gospel Publishing House.  Outposts may also create their own certificates using the Bible merit patch artwork included in the Leaders Track of TRaCclub.  Merit patches for all Bible merits can be purchased through Gospel Publishing House.